Fanart is awesome.
Drawn by WolfPup. It's the first and still the coolest fanart I ever got. There's an uncolored version too, but this one's got a nifty background, and the characters look really cool to boot. All this from a guy who insists he can't draw.
Drawn by BlackEvo. This one is cool because he made Type look really cute, almost
like something out of Calvin and Hobbes.
Drawn by Capn. A quirky little picture of Willis trying to prove a point.
Drawn by Kevin Kimmis, who still owes me a guest strip.
Drawn by Matt of Paragon Fishing. I guess it has to do with this whole webcomic community fanart craze that was started about a week ago (this was updated November 10th) and I didn't get any yet, mainly because I didn't do any either. Well, I did do that one for Final Draft but that didn't really come out of anywhere (plus it's pretty crappy). And hey look, he's watching TV, you can only assume, perfect for the basis of some joke about a TV show. No, I would never do that. Seriously.
That bastard Trunks thinks he's really funny. Well, speaking of funny, you should go check out his comics which I'm linking right here. So go check them out because they are really funny. Besides, everything he says about my comic is true, except the characters should probably be reversed. An extra thank you goes out to that he made fun of the fact that I can't make it look like his tail is coming out of where it's supposed to. And hey! He's using MSPaint. Stop mocking me!
He also made this:
ArchVileTerror makes a comic that's nearly unreadable called I Blame Danny, as well as the first fanart of the new age New Traditionalists:
Click that to get a bigger view.
The little brother of the Paragon Fishing guy drew this shocking rendition of
The Toxic Avenger thinks Willis
looks like this.
Mr. Spazkake sent me this,
shortly after I started coloring. I wonder where he got the idea to use a
background full of random pictures from...
Guest Strips:
So far I've gotten three guest strips. Click below to see them. (HOW COME
it's cute and embarrassing! my audience is SOOO MEAN!! 0__o (**guffles
#1: Julius Tan gives us a full color rendition to answer the age old question: Why aren't they eating each other?
#2: BostonCollegeFan brings back the old characters
BostonCollegeFan strikes again, apparently glad that the animals would
eventually be coming back
New Traditionalists is still hosted on Keenspace, an automoton service for webcomics, blah blah blah, you know actually, I could put anything here I wanted, but that's too much of a cliche and nobody ever reads down here anyway.